"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Monday, 28 November 2011

oh, monday...

wow today was a litttttle bit rough.  just slightly.  okay, slightly more that slightly...  *laugh*  well, see, i had this plan!  i'd cleaned up some of my email last night, and i had an idea that the timecard stuff was going to be hefty, but oh my heck!  i spent nearly ALL DAY on timecard stuff.  i think i was able to get in a half an hour of photos (entered a whole page, so that was nice!) and 20 minutes of vacations - which wasn't even enough time to get all the forms prepped, but that's okay.  at the end of the day, at least two timecard issues that were vexing me all day were resolved, AND toward the end of the day i received some surprising news involving just desserts.  now, i really don't wish anyone ill.  but sometimes when someone is doing something wrong, and they then get caught/punished for doing that something... it feels kinda good.  ya know?  not in a malicious way, just in a ... good... way... meh.  hopefully you know what i mean!  

anyway!  i hope that the someone(s) who was(were) caught/punished for doing something wrong learn from this experience & go on to have more blessings.

now, enough of that.  *laugh*  

after work, i was supposed to have dinner w/ becks, but she had to reschedule to saturday.  i was hankerin for thai, so i asked if trish was free, but she was not.  boo!  so i stopped in to target to get some sushi (i know, weird, but it's usually good) - but they were out!  double boo!!  so, eventually i decided to stop at hungry hobo & get a ham & cheese.  it was nummy, but it wasn't pineapple fried rice!  LOL  

i watched some supernatural & read a bit, then saw that april was online, so hopped on to chat w/ her for a bit.  and play w/ fb & pinterest & random smartphone funny sites.  heh.  now i'm off to read some more, watch another ep or two of supernatural & then hit the hay!  early meeting in the AM & hopefully i will remember to head to the right building instead of mine!  *laugh*  it would be a lot easier to go to these meetings if they provided us w/ coffee & donuts... 

; )   i hope your monday back to work wasn't too bad, and that your tuesday (and mine) will be BLESSED and full of GOOD NEWS!  speaking of good news - Jesus loves you!  : )  



  1. I've never had sushi nor have I ever been to a Target that sells it.

  2. i prefer it from a restaurant, but target & hy vee both have sushi chefs working there (or so i was told...lol) & theirs is pretty good, for take away food. : )
