"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Wednesday 15 December 2010


my day was one of those where you just want a do-over. 
A)  got bret to work on time.  made a breakfast.  he forgot his lunch.  gave him my breakfast (yogurt, fruit, string cheese for snack later) for lunch.  went to hardee's for a biscuit & diet dr pepper. 

they gave me root beer? 

so i had to buy a diet pepsi when i got to work.  except i'd left my wallet in the car.  and then i realized i left my secret santa gift at home.  d'oh!!!

B)  couldn't concentrate on my work.  was shaking too badly.  several things contributed to my shaking, but i can't go into them here.  had to put in Yanni & do some deep breathing, to focus on claims.  felt my BP go down, thank God. 

C)  the issues!  oh, the issues.  things coming out of the woodwork, piles of claims, vacations that i didn't even look at, haven't looked at all week... *sigh* 

D)  Lunch.  lunch was good.  went to mongolian grill w/ trish & her family, oh my goodness, that was fun!!  : )  and just the break i needed. 

E)  Stuff. 

F)  Worked til 6.  got all the claims in for cutoff.  yay!!!  listened to some nice music.  the last hour was nice & quiet.  my wall-mate made me text her when i got safely to my car.  : )  awww! 

G)  SNOW.  blech.  it's pretty, but slickery.  and i had errands that i'd put off too long.
1. postbox to mail some cards.
2. hallmark for boss's christmas card & also a couple others so i can go into 2011 as a platinum member.  nice!!!  : )  and i found a cuuuute tree snow(globe? it's not really a globe, it's a tree!). 
3. mo brady's for a gift certificate for the boss for christmas.  there was a cuuute waiter-guy, who was having a birthday.  i wished him happy birthday & BIG TIPS, which is what i always wish for nicki when she's working at the sister restaurant.  : ) 
4. WM - i found a couple shirts that looked/felt COMFY, more blankets for ppl (or me!), my Rx, and some non-food groceries.  also finally got some talk minutes on my phone, and a WM card so i could get $$ off of gas.  woot! 
5. subway for dinner.  my sister-cousin, misha, was working!  the other gal (who i think is her roommate) saw me & called back for mish.  she knew i was related to her somehow because she's seen my pictures on FB.  LOL  and that just goes to prove - make sure you don't have any crazy pictures on FB because you never know who will see them & where they'll recognize you.  *grin*  and misha made my sammich very well.  good job, sandwich artist in training!!
6. jen texted me while i was at subway; she needed a can opener because she was in the middle of cooking something & apparently took hers to work & left it there?  whoops!  so i ran home, dropped off my food & packages (and a nice cop stopped to ask if i was okay.  i was in my driveway, i'm not sure what he saw that made him think i needed assistance, but it was sweet of him anyway!), grabbed my can opener, and took it over to jen's.  said hi to anthony & then zipped back home.  i'm so thankful they live so close now!!  : ) 
7. i should shovel before i go to bed.  blah. 
8. the roads weren't too bad til i was nearly home, but still had to be SMART about the driving, and not gun it (like someone did on one road & did a complete spin.  eep!)!!

H) HOME!  : )  got to chat w/ nicki & that was really nice because we hadn't been able to talk in a long time.  and i was having so many issues i thought i'd missed our chat window, but nope!  yay!  thanks again, nicki!!  now i really need to get some secret santa stuff together & get to bed.  should get up a little earlier in the AM because it's supposed to keep snowing for awhile.  UGH. 

so there you have my day.  well, w/ one very sad thing left out because idk how to write about it w/o making things worse, and i really really want things to get BETTER not worse.  so.  whatever.  all i can do is wait at this point... ? 

that's where determination comes in.  i am determined to have a GOOD day tomorrow.  it's going to be fun.  and not as stressful, because i got all the claims done, and i changed my class til next month, and it's our secret santa reveal & team luncheon.  happy happy!  then, it's leyton's christmas programme tomorrow night!  i can't wait!! 

i hope your day went well, and that you will share all about it in the comments section!  : ) 

oh!  and also - soon, i will be having another $45 giveaway from CSN stores!!  Challis from Challosh won the last giveaway... will this be YOUR turn?  keep checking back to find out!  : ) 

goodnight & ttfn!  : )

1 comment:

  1. what a day you had! mine was absolutely insane. and i am absolutely worn out now as a result. i have so much stuff that has happened in the last few days....i just dont even know what to say lol

    but it was a good day. and i got to end it with reading blogs. much much needed.

