"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Friday 1 July 2011

TGIF and a long weekend!

what a long day, but a good day!  for as busy as i was (left at 6, after a 10 hour day) the day went fast & didn't feel ... rushed.  i didn't have to change my schedule around too much, which is always a plus and makes me feel more accomplished.  i got to chat w/ my wall-mate quite a lot today, which was nice.  she's good ppl.  heh.  

saw the former boss, all dressed in his retirement regalia... even wearing flip flops!  he already looks 100% relaxed, so nice to see!  : )  he did forget to bring my firefly, tho... i called him on it on fb & he said he'd bring it over (that was sweet) or bring it on tuesday, so i said tuesday's fine.  i have lots of stuff to watch this weekend...!  

for dinner, i had a craving for adolph's salsa, but wasn't really hungry when i left work (i'd eaten some pastrami & cheese at like 3:30 or 4), so i just came home.  stopped at DD for an iced coffee, tho.  :D  yumm!  when i got home, watched battle: LA (meh.  not even as good as skyline - and you know how much i loved enjoyed i felt about that one!).  and then around 8 i was really hungry & nothing here sounded good.  so i ordered an alaska roll, some fried rice & hibachi steak from osaka, via good2go.  1/2 an hour later, dinner!  i mentioned on fb how when i first heard of sushi, i never imagined that i would ever even TRY it, let alone LOVE it.  crazy, huh?

speaking of crazy things... i forgot to tell you the story of the ex-con i met on my smoke break yesterday afternoon!  he bummed a smoke from another lady on break, then she went inside & he told me all about how his finger was messed up because he got jumped by four dudes behind a local restaurant earlier in the week.  in our three minute conversation, i learned that, as well as his status as an ex-con (i told him he should carry pepper spray & he said he didn't think felons were allowed to, and he couldn't have a gun (!)) and where he grew up, and that he wasn't a "snitch."  oh, and also that i apparently look like a scrapper, even in a long pink skirt & rose-coloured shirt, because when i said i would have to carry pepper spray because i don't fight, he said, "don't lie.  you know you could take 'em!"  LOL  uh...thanks?  so, yeah.  he was nice, i didn't feel scared or nervous or even uncomfortable, but was highly amused by the randomness!  

and also grateful.

: ) 

ummm... so, after the crazy movie, i watched AGT & chatted w/ johnna via fb about this season.  watched rookie blue (just keeps getting better & AWESOMER (carrie word))(i *heart* those canadians you know) & then the voice & really should think of going to bed.

but then i think - i get to sleep in for 3 days, so... LOL  

except that mom & i are going out to lunch & then to sam's (yay!), so i'd like to get up by 10...  altho, i just remembered that it's the end of the month & not the 15th, which means lot rent was due & so i am buh-roke. boo!  so i won't be able to buy the salmon a friend recommended.  *sniffle*  i don't think mom likes salmon, so i don't think she'd want to split it w/ me anyway... but i'd buy it myself cuz Zulu said it was really great salmon!  

anywhoo!  : )  what're your plans for the 4th?  fireworks?  bbq?  dwarf tossing?  (is that last one even still legal?  why would little ppl agree to that???  ppl are strange... but i guess we knew that...)

anywhoo.  again.  LOL  

goodnight & ttfn!!

1 comment:

  1. So thankful for the long weekend (even longer for me since my sweet boss gave us Friday off to enjoy as well! YES! :) and getting to stay up late and sleep in until 10 so far Fri and Sat :)

    It's always neat to meet random people and isn't it amazing that you meet the coolest one while on smoke breaks? Glad the ex-con didn't make you feel uncomfortable, but only blessed. Hmmm ex-con makes me think of my favourite ex-con NEAL! :) hahaha

    I wish I would give sushi another try. I use to LOVE it and then one day got really sick after eating it so I never ate it again :( Makes me sad :(

    What are you doing for the 4th? My mother-in-laws birthday is on the 4th so tomorrow Philip and I are headed to Ft. Worth to celebrate her birthday :) I'm really looking forward to it because I love spending time with her! Unfortunately there will be no fireworks since it's been so dry in Texas there is a ban on them for fear of wildfires :(

    I hope you have an amazing holiday Carrie Marie!!! lots of love xoxoxo
