"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Friday 9 March 2012

ketchup (catch-up)

hi party peeps!  yesterday was a little nutty!  *laugh*  

at work, i had some good meetings, but they made me re-examine some things.  ppl come to me w/ issues/complaints/whatever sometimes.  it's usually about the same 3 or 4 things.  so, whenever i'm in a committee meeting or whatever "the" subject is gets brought up in meetings w/ various managers (or just general conversation) - i mention these things.  i talk about them.  not complaining, but sharing an opinion that i hold which has been shared w/ me by these other ppl.  (sometimes i share opinions that i don't hold, but i (hope) am very clear when that is the case.)  so, in one of my meetings yesterday, it was basically said that - since i'm the only one who ever brings up these issues, there is probably never going to be anything "done" about them, because i am only one person.  i should encourage those coming to me to go to their managers as well.  speak up, so to speak.  actually, the wording used was - if they're not comfortable going to their manager, they should share w/ someone who is.


wouldn't that be - ME?!?!


and let me be clear that i'm not angry or anything toward the person with whom i had the meeting and made that statement.  i'm just, quite, frustrated!  frustrated at other ppl for not standing up & being vocal about the "little" things that make our jobs more interesting.  frustrated at management for not hearing what ppl are saying when they HAVE spoken up.  their hearts are in the right place, mostly, i think.  but the direction their going w/ certain things - well... just frustrating.  especially when i DO/HAVE encouraged the ppl who come to me to go to their managers or talk to the upper managers or whatever.  "they won't know if you don't tell them" is a favorite line of mine. 

still, it's just me, sticking up for different POV's or being a voice.  

and i'm tired of it.  

so, there ya go.  you're caught up!  


oh yeah, and i also went to the olive garden for dinner last night (shrimp ravioli, yum!) with carol, and then ... and then... the manilow!!  :)  the concert was a lot, A LOT of fun!  he did an excellent job of performing on both sides!!  very important!  : )  even tho we were sitting in the WAAAAAY back on the floor, i could see him on stage (not, like, clearly enough to get pictures, obviously! *sniffle*).  and there was a lovely jumbotron for me to see close up.  he played many upbeat songs - and he did a duet w/ his younger self for mandy.  he closed w/ copacabana.  he didn't do my favorite song, but i wasn't expecting him to, as it's from xanadu & perhaps wasn't as popular to ppl who aren't me (or erin)?  *laugh*  they do play it semi-often on the radio backtracks programmes!  

so, it was a really fun night & great concert & i'm so grateful i was able to go!  it reminded me of concerts w/ my dad - wayne newton, david copperfield.... : )  i'm grateful for the love of music he supported in me.  not that david copperfield is musical.  but he also supported my love of magicians.  LOL  illusionists... ; )  

do you like to go to concerts/shows?  what're some of your favorites?  YANNI is of course my favorite show.  he just does such an AMAZING job - he blows even barry manilow out of the water, IMO.  sorry, barry, i still love you!!  oh, yeah, and your Fanilows are some pretty neat ppl!  (we sat by one who reminded me of a guy i went to college w/, only cuter.  LOL)  

tonight is dinner at gettes - stacy is picking me up from work at 2 & we're heading down there.  it should be an easier trip now that we know where we're going... right...?  *laugh*  i'll let ya know!  

speaking of work, tho, i should finish breakfast & get going!  ttfn!!  


  1. The only Barry Manilow song I know is Copa Cabanna. And that song is on my mp3 player and is quite awesome.

    1. oh yes, *sings* at the copa, copa cabannnnna! i once printed out the lyrics for my friend lola. heh. which is when i actually READ the lyrics & thought, "huh, that is kinda a violent song!" but it's definitely one of my faves!
