"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Saturday 21 January 2012


when i was little, i had a stuffed puppy named henry.  he had a name tag w/ that name on his chest.  grandpa gave him to me one year for christmas.  i think i was 4.  i had a little bean bag puppy that looked like a mini-henry but w/o the name tag, and his name was love puppy.  i miss love puppy!  idk what happened to him.  :(  

anyway, leyton is 4, and today gramma bought him a huge stuffed elephant.  and he randomly named the elephant... henry!!  honestly, i just thought it was so neat that he picked THAT name.  of course, henry's middle name is thomas.  *laugh*  which is a less surprising name for him to choose, ya know?  

today was fun!  i didn't sleep in as late as i thought i would, but watched some hulu when i got up.  bones & some GH & i think something else.  *laugh*  then i went to the bank & to pick up lunch for me, mom & leyton.  now, leyton said he wanted a happy meal from mcd's.  but i wanted hardee's, so i called him back & asked if hardee's would be okay.  he said he really wanted mcd's, so my plan was to stop both places.  except, when i got to hardee's, i completely forgot the plan & ordered a kids meal from there!  so then i felt bad & went to mcd's anyway & got the happy meal.  he was happy - he got two toys!  and mom was happy - she'd ordered a side salad, but i was running late so she didn't have time to eat that before leyton's game & was happy to see the cheeseburger!!  heh.

the game was a LOT of fun!  the kids are all improving & making more baskets & being more comfortable w/ the game.  it's neat to have seen game 1 & now, to notice the changes... : ) 

after the game, we went to sam's to pick up my new glasses (yay!  no more tape!) & leyton got his elephant & we ate some yummy samples of deliciousness.  : )  we picked up some broccoli salad & pinwheel snackies & such for dinner, too.  mmmm!  

we went back to mom's for bath, jammies, dinner, Sorry!, cuddles & some disney channel.  he was up late last night & didn't get a nap today because of the timing of the game, so 8 o'clock was bedtime!  plus, i needed to get home & get stuff done since it's an early bedtime for me tonight as well.  5:30 is going to come reallllly early!  *laugh*  

so, i watched Grimm & Revenge & now i'm off to bed!  well, in like 15 minutes when the show's over.  heh.  

how'd you spend your saturday??  


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