"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Thursday 10 May 2012

seriously tired

pain is draining.

going to the dds tomorrow morning, then going to work if there's time, then taking my last 4 hours of vacation.  since i don't get to go to the wedding (*CRY*), i'm hoping to hang out w/ mom & leyton.  of course, it'll depend on what happens at the dentist & if i need recovery time!  (oh, Lord, please let it be something easy to fix?!)

work went okay, the pain was manageable (thank God) and i didn't feel like i was going to pass out like yesterday, so that also was a blessing.  we got free pizza for lunch from a manager in another area.  he bought it as a thank you for all our help & hard work.  : )  that was nice!!  

after work i stopped at the store cuz trish asked me to get brownie mix, and then headed to her house.  she made DELICIOUS tacos w/ deer meat.  nom nom nom!  : )  we watched survivor & missing & secret circle & awake.  oh my goodness, EXCELLENT season finale for SC!!!  oh!  and while watching awake i saw a preview for rookie blue which starts on the 24th!  so excited!!!!  : )  

now i'm catching up on GH & then hitting the hay.  as you would imagine, i'm fairly exhausted.  LOL 

how was your day?


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