"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Wednesday 21 December 2011


so, my friend jana posted her kids' christmas lists, and her son, Big, wants a tiger.  but the way i read the list, tiger looked randomly inserted.  and made me think of Up - squirrel!  and so, it is my new favorite word to randomly insert.  


: ) 

so, how was your day?  mine was quite blessed.  work was nutty busy and i loved it.  thankfully i didn't get stumped on anything, so i wasn't stressed out.  i was a little disappointed - it had been bandied about that we'd get out early tomorrow, but alas, "someone" wasn't able to swing it.  i'm not sure exactly how that works, when your boss's boss tells you that it'd be nice to let everyone go a few hours early for christmas.  how do you tell your boss's boss "no, that won't work" in this situation?  i don't get it.  

now, to be fair - A) the boss's boss could have TOLD them to let us out early rather than asking if it was "possible" if it was really something they wanted to do, and B) i personally likely wouldn't have left early tomorrow given the option, because i have too many things i want to get done before i'm gone for over a week!  : )  so i'm not upset about the decision at all.  i just found the situation that arose when my boss's boss's boss floated the idea & then allowed it to be shot down.

ya dig?  


anyway, just before i left, aunt jan called to see if i was free for dinner.  i said, "sure!" because the rest of the month is BUSY.  heh.  i met her at las margaritas for mexican (yep, 2 nights in a row!) & we chatted about my trip & her trip to arizona over thanksgiving & stuff.  : )  GOOD times!  i am so blessed to call her friend as well as aunt!!  

after dinner, i played santa & delivered juli, john, sarah, andrew & baby m's gifts.  : )  sarah really liked her purse & bracelets & necklaces.  andrew was over the moon about his cars.  i stayed & chatted & played for a little bit, and then hugs & watched sarah practice her bow work & then came home.  juli's due at any moment & ready for baby M to be here!  well, technically i think her due date is in about 10 days, but i think there will probably be a baby announcement while i'm on break!  please join me in praying for a safe & healthy delivery!  : ) 

when i got home, i read some blogs & finished wrapping leyton's presents & grammy's & cleaned up the livingroom somewhat (read: hid leyton's presents in my library closet!  heh.  cuz he likes to explore everywhere, but i don't THINK he'll think to look up at the top shelf in the closet.  at least if he does, they're in bags.  

i was going to try & get the blog written & a menu post up & have 1/2 an hour to read.  however, i am TIRED & writing/reading took longer than i thought, and so i'm just heading to bed to dream sweetly & whatnot.  : )  hope you have a GREAT night!

happy 2nd night of hannukkah, i think!  hanukkah?  hannukah?  seriously, who knows how to ACTUALLY spell that word?  some ppl put a c at the front?  oye.

but be happy!  LOL  ttfn! 

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