"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Sunday 16 January 2011

three years old fun

i had SO much fun w/ him this weekend.  even if he does wake me up way too early!  *laugh* and poor bret now.  leyton was up at like 8, maybe 8:30, and of course wanted to play in the living room, where bret was sleeping... bret was really nice about it, tho.

we made breakfast, played cars, watched thomas, and then went to Big K & Office Max - finally found my pens, yay!  LJS for lunch, then playing w/ the castle we got at Big K, and some LPS turtles he found in the library.  we watched a little toy story 3 before nap - which he was okay w/ taking right before he had to take it.  *laugh*  i watched 27 Dresses while he slept - oh, so cute!  he got up about 4 & we played for awhile before i took him home.  : )  and of course there was yogurt... heh.

i am quite happy to have tomorrow to sleep in, tho.  *grin*

how was your weekend?  and do you get to sleep in tomorrow to celebrate Mr. King?



  1. What a fun weekend with your adorable Leyton! I just love that nephew of yours! :) So jealous you get to sleep in tomorrow, I wish I was blessed with a three day weekend! Think of me hard at work while you are relaxing :) You def deserve it though Carrie Marie! You are such a hard worker xoxo

  2. thanks, marianne! i hope that your day will be productive, fast, and fun!! (and also that you don't have to get up too early?)
