"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Friday 25 June 2010


wow, i'm tired!  my eyes are going all blurry.  and it's not even midnight!  AND i can sleep in tomorrow, so you'd think i wouldn't be tired.  but i think i'm going to bed after i watch rookie blue. 

today was kinda of the unexpected sort.  work was kinda slow, which is normal for a friday, but i was expecting it to feel more frantic w/ julie on vacation & handling "everything" myself.  altho, i have to be honest, a lot of the handling was just putting things into folders for julie, so she'll have stuff to keep her busy when she gets back.  : )  timecards were quiet (*gasp*!) and i had a meeting on memorial requests, which was fun.  i was supposed to meet megan for lunch, but she ended up coming in late because ariana had a fever & needed to go to the doc.  i was okay, tho, because there was awesome food in the cafeteria!  FRESH FRUIT and cottage cheese with the burger bar!  made me happy!  (and interestingly, discovered someone else who likes cottage cheese on burgers!)

i'd planned to go to a friend's 40th bday party after work, but started to get nervous about all the ppl around 1, and finally texed his wife (also a friend!) to let them know i wasn't going to make it.  i really wasn't expecting that, because i've been to the venue before, so i knew how to get there.  i already had in my mind that i'd stay for 1/2 an hour-ish, so i wasn't worried about that.  i think what got me was that i saw they were expecting 100+ ppl ... and i was only going to know maybe 5.  including my friends!  *laugh* 

this turn of events, while disappointing, worked out for good, because my mom called around 4 & sounded like she needed to hang out.  i met her for a movie, and she seemed in better spirits about 20 minutes in to karate kid.  (sidenote: AWESOME movie!  it's over 2 hours long, and feels long, but in a good way - like you don't want it to end, and then it doesn't for awhile, ya know?) 

(okay, i'm going to watch more AGT before i sleep.  second wind might be kicking in, or i might just be addicted to this show.  *laugh*) 

and finally, sergio is holding his own with this latest treatment, but still please, please, please join the prayer chain for him, and remember him in your thoughts and prayers.  healing healing healing! 

goodnight and ttfn!

oh!  and also - my citylights cards came in the mail!  now i have the problem of - i have 6 postcards out & have to wait til they get registered to send out more!  (altho i have been sending some to friends & family, of course.  i sent sergio one of jana's cards.  i hope he'll enjoy it when he comes out of his healing rest to see it!) 


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