"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Tuesday 31 August 2010


um.  so, it's 1:18.  inthemorning.  we're in the midst of a storm.  i'm only sorta tired.  i'd like to watch about 2 more hours of mylifetime (well, Drop Dead Diva) or What Would You Do?  alas, i fear i won't get to sleep til about 2 as it is, and tomorrow is fixin to be another busy day.  still, i decide to blog before heading to dreamland.

i write because it's me.  there have been (and will be again) days where i haven't blogged, it's true.  but for the most part, i have to write the thoughts in my head or i lose them.  that happened last night - i'd shut down the computer and outside all these thoughts about space and space travel ran through my head & i had to write out a post in my head before i could sleep! (but not the kind of space travel that exists now.  star trek kinda space travel, where you live on a cruise ship in space, essentially, and can travel to different worlds.  sci fi space travel kicks butt.  actual space travel ... not so much.  i mean, not to pooh pooh on the reality of astronauts or anything.  i just have no desire to enter the vacuum of space in the contraptions currently offered up.  cramped shuttles... no thank you!  

so, strangeness #1: recently there are a few blogs that i follow that have suddenly stopped.  like, someone's posting every day or every few days, pretty consistently, and then all of a sudden - nothing for weeks!  i don't understand that.  like, how do you just give up writing?  sure, you're busy.  things in your life have changed and whatever.  but... how do you GIVE UP WRITING?  of course, maybe these ppl are still writing just in a different medium.  a couple of them have recenly posted "goodbye" messages or something.  "well, this has been an awesome blog, but i'm busy with life now, so goodbye!"  *laugh*  i don't get it, but i think it's cool that they would take the time to let their readers know they can take em off their rolls or something!  heh.

strangeness #2: how can something as simple as parking be such a major issue?  parking as in a parking lot at work or church or the store or wherever, not parking as in "let's go to makeout point."  LOL  

strangeness #3: 

he looks happy, right?  we had lots of fun tonight, for the most part.  and yet there were still meltdowns.  over silly, stupid things that ... make no sense, even from a 3 year old perspective!  i had to go to the bathroom.  leyton wouldn't let me.  like he literally threw a FIT w/ gutteral voices and everything because i needed to pee!  what is up w/ that??  i thought maybe he was scared to be alone (i remember sticking my fingers under the door to the bathroom when my dad just wanted 3 minutes of privacy to do his bidness, but i was terrified of being left alone on the otherside of that door.  of course, i think just prior to that we'd been watching tales from the darkside or ripley's believe it or not or some scary ass episode of fantasy island or something.  LOL ) but he said he wasn't.  well, he said he was, then i told him he should have just told me that before and i would have stuck him behind the shower curtain or something, and then he calmed down & said he wasn't really scared.  but his second meltdown was the next time i had to pee, so... idk!!!

you don't really need to go to the bathroom, aunt carrie.  (LOL)

anyway, jen's vb game ended up being a trounament, meaning they play til they lose, meaning she wasn't going to be home til after 11.  so she asked me to ask mom to come get leyton to spend the night there so i could go home.  leyton was all excited at first, and then about to go into fit mode again.  but that one i understood - he was ubertired but didn't want to go to bed.  of course!  (i find it interesting that i have NEVER had a problem w/ him going to bed at mom's. but there seems to be more of a routine there... idk.)

strangeness #4: i... don't remember what this one was going to be.

anyway, that means i've shared all that's sharable for now!  LOL  i leave you w/ a series of bed jumping.  that's right, aunt carrie is a big proponent of (safe!) bed and couch jumping.  i still remember the fun of bouncing all over the place on a bed and/or couch, so why would i deny my kids the opportunity?  : )  have a great wedensday & ttfn!  : )  

get ready... 
get set... 
and ... go!  : )  

Goodnight!  : )   


  1. My blogging really tapered off, but that's because I had an all-consuming secret that was hard not to mention in my posts. Now that I've spilled the beans I should be more prolific. I hope. ; )

  2. LOL I saw that!! Congratulations!!! And can't wait to see what all this latest development brings to the blog! : )
