"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Tuesday 20 July 2010

REALLY random

marketing genius - doritos Burn chips + pepsi max cease fire.  you can read a review of both here.  i haven't tried either, nor am i likely to, as i don't really like that particular kind of spicyhot or diet soda.  but when i heard the commercial on the radio today, i did think it was a neat cross-promotion.  now, the review that i've linked to mentions the pepsi max cease fire was only supposed to be around til april, yet i heard the commercial today, so... only your grocer knows for sure!  

cookout at work today was pretty darn good!  dave & jeff were in the back manning the grill, cooking brats, hot dogs & burgers for their awesome team of workers.  : )  i did not have a hot dog or a burger, but they looked good.  the brats were excellent!  my friend, amy, came down to hang out w/ the contingents & that was interesting!  apparently someone had some misinformation somewhere, and amy is very much like me in the "let's battle injustice" mindframe!  i think everything worked out okay, tho.  there wasn't really an "injustice" going on, just the aforementioned misinformation that i'm sure got straightened out!  heh!  it was nice to visit w/ amy a bit & we arranged a lunch in august, so that'll be good!!  : )  

met michelle at osaka after work & had some delicious eats.  mmmmm!  beautifully done!  and we got to visit awhile & catch up on each other's worlds a bit!  (can you feel the excitement from all of those !'s?)  i'll have pictures & a review later at the menu.  planned to write it tonight, but got sidetracked talking to joyums & finally calling sarahbug & watching Secret Life & Buffy.  : )   

i write a lot about nothing and everything and i'm sorry for those of you who get these updates every day & sometimes it's interesting & sometimes it's just blather that makes little sense.  thanks for checking in anyway.  tomorrow's wedensday - i hope we all have a good one!  

ttfn ... 

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