today was a bettttttter day. grapefruit for breakfast. york peppermint pieces for snack. chili for lunch. popcorn for snack. subway for dinner. yummy day in the food dept! *laugh* yes, all about food! work was kinda slow, but i can be grateful for the slower days because they give me time to work on performance management and documentation and the things that never seem to get DONE done, ya know? *laugh*
i got to watch the power of madonna episode of Glee when i got home. aunt jan called off payroll tonight, but i still didn't get home til 6 cuz i had to go to the bank & PO & then subway before home! : ) so i watched glee & castle & OLTL. oh, and a really really good episode of V! that show is good but oh so creepy.
lots of FB activity tonight, too. chatting w/ baylee. : ) got to chat w/ april, and even anthony! also some interesting status conversations. and a random thought which came up while watching castle & turned into one of my status updates:
isn't it funny how society trains guys? rewarding them for sleeping with women they don't have feelings for just to scratch "an itch," yet teaching them that a woman who does the same is a slut/whore/easy/tease/insert degrading name here? we know it's wrong, so why do we continue to paint guys and girls into these corners??? which, in case anyone wondered, is not to say i think EITHER should be sleeping around. rather, it's time for both men and women to respect themselves and each other. *steps off random soapbox*
there are so many inconsistencies in our society, such illogical behavior! it drives me nuts. renae & i were status-chatting about the inconsistancy & whatnot of how we're cutting budgets left & right for teachers, cops, firefighters, etc., yet we send money off to every disaster under the sun and pay our actors & atheletes more than the President of the US. and we ask what is happening to our society? why are our children bullying? and many more questions about the ethics and morals of society. THAT is what is happening.
anywhoo, really, no more soapboxing tonight! *laugh* i need to get to bed. gotta go to the dentist tomorrow morning before work! have a good night & a happpppy thursday! : )
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