"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Chloe's Home!!!!

and so am i, and i am sooooo tired!  today was AWESOME, tho.  praise the Lord!!!  : ) 

i'd planned to get up at 9 to get some stuff done before mom picked me up.  of course, because of this, i slept til 9:30 & got nothing done except i think i finished an episode of something but i can't remember what right now.  mom got here at 10:40 & away we went.  oh, stopped at the mailbox to get my People, except there was no magazine!  d'oh!  i did have these, tho...

the bottom one is from finland. 

we stopped at sonic & i finally got a cherry limeade.  yay!!!  then we were on the road.  it was a nice trip, we listened to glee & yanni & chatted & i took some pictures.  i'll do a picture post tomorrow, tooooo tired to upload & whatnot tonight!  i'm heading to bed here in a few short minutes!  

we arrived in atlantic about 2:30 & mom wanted a sit-down meal.  i'd been begging for a cheeseburger since about 1, but she had these ideas... and hey, who am i to discourage her?  she is doing me a solid by bringing me to my car, so ... : )  we went into a tiny hy vee to use the facilities, and then were gonna eat at the chinese restaurant next door.  except they close from 2:30 - 4:30 every day.  huh??  LOL  mom was okay w/ maid rite, but they apparently had been closed for awhile - there was cardboard in the drive thru menu.  yet their sign is still up.  idk what's wrong w/ that picture at all... LOL  finally, we found a mexican restaurant & i'm glad we did.  DELICIOUS food!  rivalled sancho's, and that's saying something!  : )  

we found pat's house & i signed some papers & wrote out a check for the deductible & was on my way to omaha.  chloe looks GREAT!  they did an awesome job.  and i had the a/c on almost all day & there weren't any problems (that was something i'd been warned to check on, because apparently it's a common issue to have a/c problems after a front end collison!).  PTL!  i'm still going to take her to the dealership this week to have them do a once-over, but she drove great & everything seemed happy to me!  

i got to omaha about 5:30 & met joy, her mom, the kids, and bobby & his son at runza.  ahhhh, runza!  we had dinner & hung out for an hour & then i was on the road home.  praying the whole way, tense the whole way, waiting for something to spring out & get me!  :(  that was kinda rough.  and then as it got dark, i needed more rest stops to move around because i was kinda zoning.  as soon as i feel myself zoning, i find a rest stop & get out & move around a big, because that is SCARY i tell you what!!!  

i don't have any voice $$ left on my phone, so i texted marty to let her know she didn't need to pick me up in the morning.  hopefully she got it!!  i also texted dave & i'm going in at 9:30 tomorrow. 

i am sooooo happy to be home, and now, to zzzzzzzzz!  : )  



  1. I meant to comment yesterday. It's some sort of a Chinese/Japanese tradition that they are closed in the afternoon. Kinda like a siesta. You know that Exotic Thai does that too.

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot about ET doing that! LOL
