i did get a good sleep, and went in to work at 11:30, after stopping at WM to pick up my Rx. one of them the dr refused to call in until i made an appointment. i really should find a new doctor, but oye.
my dream between 6 and 10 was intensely detailed and seemed to last for the full 4 hours. it started in a line, and the line was moving really slowly. i found it odd, because i had a memory of being in this line to get wherever i'd just been, and it had moved really quickly & efficiently. i had a shopping cart full of my possessions and security ppl were "frisking" those in line ahead of me. suddenly, there was a loud explosion and i could see a fireball just outside the door where the line disappeared. then someone a few ppl ahead of me in line exploded, and someone a few ppl behind me exploded. i felt something land in my hair, but the person standing behind me brushed it off before i could see/really feel it. we were all herded into underground bunker type things, and we'd been handed papers telling us which groups we were to stay with. my group consisted of 4 or 5 other girls & a couple guys. we were in a room, around a table, kind of like a discussion group, but we all had shopping carts/suitcases full of our stuff, and we were talking about what had happened in the line. somehow i got separated & wandered around huge hallways, kind of like the tombs under a football stadium. i ran into an usher-guy & asked for directions back to my group. he showed me how to read my papers & match them up with the sections in the building. i made it back to a couple girls in my group & we had to go up stairs, so i had to ditch the shopping cart & just take out what i could carry. we walked to this mall-like area, and stood in line to trade stuff for food.
i think the stress might be getting to me in odd ways?
i'm not sure how to even measure the stress i'm under right now. i think work today was less stressful... but then again i had a knot in my stomach for at least part of the day. still, productivity was had, and that makes me smile. : )
tomorrow will be another busy day, so i'm trying to relax tonight, read some blogs & watch The Pelican Brief w/ bret. i love this movie so much! makes me wish i owned Erin Brokovich, tho. heh.
i hope your monday went well. jen sent me a text apologizing for last night.
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