"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend."

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


to get to bed before midnight... 

we'll see what happens!  i went to mom's after work for dinner & survivor & playing w/ two of the nephews, brought leyton home at 8:30-ish, then had to return movies to family video & stop at kwik shop for gas.  got home around 9.  i have blogs to catch up on, FB peeps to catch up w/, photos to upload (you'll see some of those soon), articles to read - and i want to read my books before bed, too!!  it's 9:57 right this second.  midnight ... i'm sacrificing watching any shows to hopefully get the other stuff done.  not because i can't watch the shows & get the other stuff done (well, LISTEN to the shows...LOL) but because my computer let me watch them the other night & so tonight it's cycling into the "being a brat" phase.  i've had to restart it twice & that's w/o even trying to hulu!  (i know it sounds like a complaint, but i'm happy it's working at all, so... )

anyway, lots of things going on at work.  yesterday we were CRACKING up about a lot of different things, which was fun!  today was fun, too, but not quite as hilarious, i guess.  lol  i had some meetings today that were very productive & nice, tho!  first thing when i got in this morning, i wasn't sure i was gonna make it all day, tho.  there was an update to the timecard system over night, and somehow that causes some systems issues (idk why they don't check these things after an update runs.  would make my job a heck of a lot smoother!).  no one could get into their timecards, and then they would either A) call the help desk, B) call their HR rep, or C) call me.  well, call/email.  and if they did either A or B, i would still get a call/emal!  *laugh*  thankfully i was able to get a hold of the proper tech person fairly quickly, and only had to deal w/ a handful of help desk tickets, etc. before it was fixed.  praise the LORD!  i do enjoy talking to many different ppl & being able to help them out, but when it's stuff like this, i can't help but think of the trouble avoided by just one lil check to the system... 

*laugh*  i'm sure there are probably a multitude of reasons for not doing that, right?

mail was nice - postcrossing from las vegas & a sea turtle card from my friend laura in florida.  : )  

shout out to micaela & marianne - today is their birthday!!!  also, my friend billie jean's birthday - and i'm sure many more ppl's, as well, but these are the friends i know about!  *laugh*  

i had some random observations i was going to share, but can't remember exactly what they were, so i'll just leave you w/ some fun leyton pics!  : )  enjoy!  and ttfn!


 cheesy smile (notice he is alwso "smizing")

 now gramma tries for the cheesy smile

 this is what anthony did when requested for a cheesy smile of his own... 

 drying the dishes, and... 

 playing a game!  find the dishes!  lol 

leyton noticed this cool roller coaster plate - i didn't realize mom still had it, but so glad she does!  i won this plate at six flags, for playing a trivia game of some sort, when i was about 6 or so.  i remember winning the set & being SO EXCITED!  
the plate below it w/ the alphabet is a sesame street plate that was mine, and phil's when we were little.  leyton got to use it tonight.  
love it!!

 agh, winking!  

 working on our counting skills & reading/recognizing letters w/ Payday!

 wonderful way to teach counting & math - calculator play!!  : ) 

 and of course, soccer... : )  

finally, some snuggle time w/ gramma  : ) 


  1. oh yeah, anthony & i played words w/ friends thru the night while he was there. good times!! and survivor was CA-RAZY tonight! shocking, shocking moves, i tell ya!

  2. I am addicted to words with friends. But I'm very terrible at it.

    1. me, too! which is surprising considering how much i love words. but as phil pointed out - can't do anything if you don't have the letters! heh.

    2. oh! and we should play! Carrieboo76 : )
